Statements / Speeches |
Ambassador's Speech at the Sixth Meeting of the
Ministers of Justice of the Member States of Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO) on 24 August 2018, Chopon-Ata,
Kyrgyz Republic |
Excellency Mr. M. K. Esenaliv, Minister of Justice,
Kyrgyz Republic
• Honourable Ministers / Dy. Ministers
• Excellencies / SCO Secretariat Officials
• Ladies and Gentlemen:
It is an honour and pleasure to be here today in the
beautiful resort town of Cholpon-Ata to attend the Sixth
Meeting of the Ministers of Justice of the Member States
and Observer Counties of Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO). I have the honour to represent and
speak at this august gathering on behalf of His
Excellency Dr. Farogh Naseem, Pakistan’s newly appointed
Minister of Law and Justice. He has directed me to
convey his warmest regards to all the Honourable
Ministers of Justice of SCO member/observer States and
expressed his best wishes for the success of this
important forum. He could not come in person to attend
this session as he has just taken the oath of his office
following recent general elections in Pakistan.
I also take this opportunity to thank our gracious host
His Excellency Mr. M. K. Esenaliev, Minister of Justice
and the Kyrgyz Government for their traditional
hospitality, the choice of the venue in Cholpon-Ata,
hard work put in conference documentation and excellent
arrangements for the meeting.
Experts from our respective counties have done a
wonderful job during the past two days in bringing out
consensus documents; especially the two Action Plan
relating to Forensics and Legal Services. Needless to
reiterate that we need to move forward in accordance
with the Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, mutual
respect, equality, respect for diverse civilizations and
pursuit of shared economic development.
Pakistan; eversince its accession as full member, has
desired to play a pro-active role towards promotion of
cooperation in political, security, economic, cultural,
and legal fields. We look forward to working together
with our SCO partners to advance our common objectives
of peace, prosperity and shared economic development in
the entire region.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen:
In today’s world, legal cooperation has assumed great
significance for achieving the goals of economic
development, rule of law and good governance. Pakistan
fully supports all such mutually agreed endeavors and
will actively participate in this process under the
umbrella of SCO.
Pakistan is cognizant of the importance of legal issues
that have a direct bearing on the overall objectives of
the SCO. It is our earnest desire to make legal
cooperation a success story for which, the proposal of
establishing a Legal Commission is worth consideration.
We may also consider cooperation in adopting specific
and concrete measures for rule of law and good
governance. We also welcome optimum cooperation amongst
SCO States towards ease of doing business, promotion of
investment, and swift settlement of commercial and trade
disputes. There are a multitude of legal issues
requiring region-wide cooperation amongst SCO States
with the ultimate objective of raising the overall
living standards of our peoples who constitute almost
half of the world’s total populace. Legal cooperation
must be result oriented for the benefit and development
of the entire SCO region and its peoples.
In experts’ meeting, our delegates did propose for
possible inclusion of some concrete measures in Action
Plan for Legal Services. Our proposals related to the
rule of law, good governance, quality legislation and
legal aspects of ease of doing business within the SCO
regional. Since is consensus-based Organization, we
fully respect the viewpoint of our brothers who might
need some time to come on board at a later stage.
Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates:
Our delegation, at this point in time, deems pertinent
to draw the attention especially of SCO Secretariat to
the need of accommodating English as the third official
language of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization along
with Chinese and Russian. We are of the strong opinion
that this step will greatly facilitate in improving the
semantics communication amongst the SCO States at
various levels/forums of this Organization.
Let me conclude by thanking, on behalf of Pakistan’s
Minister of Law and Justice and on behalf of my
delegation present here His Excellency Mr. Esenaliev,
Minister of Justice and the Government of Kyrgyz
Republic once again of their sumptuous hospitality and
Conference arrangements including our translators,
interpreters and guides of today’s performance. I also
thank the official of SCO Secretariat for their valuable
contribution in making this meeting a success.
I thank you. |
Meet The
Ambassador |
Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi
of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
to the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Ambassador’s Profile |
Statements / Speeches |
List of Ambassadors |
of Pakistan
Nationals in Kazakhstan |
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