Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi welcoming Mr. Talgat
Zhumakulov, Chairman of the Committee of International
Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan who
was the Chief Guest on the occasion of the National Day
of Pakistan reception

Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi and Mr. Talgat
Zhumakulov, Chairman of the Committee of International
Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi delivering his

Mr. Talgat Zhumakulov, Chairman of the Committee
of International Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan making
his remarks

Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi
presenting a copy of Kazakh version of book "The
Struggle for Pakistan"
to Mr.
Talgat Zhumakulov, Chairman of the Committee of
International Information of
the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi
presenting a copy of Kazakh version of book "The
Struggle for Pakistan"
to Mr. Bektas Beknazarov, Deputy Chairman of the
Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mr. Bektas Beknazarov, Deputy Chairman of the Senate of
the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
his remarks

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi,
Mr. Talgat Zhumakulov, Chairman of the Committee of
International Information
Mr. Bektas Beknazarov, Deputy Chairman of the Senate of
the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
cutting the cake of the National Day of Pakistan.

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi,
Mr. Talgat Zhumakulov, Chairman of the Committee of
International Information
Mr. Bektas Beknazarov, Deputy Chairman of the Senate of
the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi and Mrs. Shazneen Kazi
Mr. Talgat Zhumakulov, Chairman of the Committee of
International Information
Mr. Bektas Beknazarov, Deputy Chairman of the Senate of
the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Group Photo of
Defence Attaché Brig. Shakil Faridi
with the Defence
along with their families

Group Photo of the
Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi
with Pakistani community members

Group Photo of the
Ambassador Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi and Mrs. Shazneen Kazi with
Embassy officers and staff

Group Photo of the Embassy Officers and Officials