
6th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional
Religions' Leaders, Astana

Ambassador's meeting with Pakistan Delegation for 6th
Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions'
Leaders comprising Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Ahmed Al
Draiweesh, President International Islamic University,
Islamabad, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zia ul Haq, Director
General, Islamic Research Institute, International
Islamic University, Islamabad and Mr. Sherzod A. Pulatov,
Chairan of the Uzbek Ethno-cultural centre of Astana.

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Ahmed Al Draiweesh,
President of the International Islamic University,
Islamabad signing Embassy's guestbook

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zia ul Haq, Director General, Islamic
Research Institute, International Islamic University,
Islamabad of the International Islamic University,
Islamabad signing Embassy's guestbook
