The Islamic
republic of Pakistan emerged as an independent sovereign
state on 14th August 1947, as a result of the division
of former British India. It lies between 23-35 to 37- 05
north latitude and 60-50 to 77- 50 east longitude
touching the Hindukush Mountains in the north and
extending from the Pamirs to the Arabian Sea.
Pakistan covers
796,095 sq.km with a population of 132.35 million
according to population census 1998. It is divided into
four provinces:
Pakistan enjoys a considerable measure of variety. North
and north western high mountainous ranges are extremely
cold in winter while the summer months of April to
September are very pleasant.
The country has
an agricultural economy with a network of canals
irrigating a major part of its cultivated land. Wheat,
cotton, rice, millet and sugar cane are the major crops.
Among fruits: mangos, oranges, bananas and apples are
grown in abundance in different parts of the country.
The main natural resources are natural gas, coal, salt
and iron. The country has an expanding industry. Cotton,
Textiles, sugar, cement, and chemicals play an important
role in its economy.
The country
comprises of a vast area that was the great center of
ancient civilizations of the world. Its historical sites
beginning with stone-age to Twentieth Century A.D are a
mirror of the life of its people who were, by nature,
simple, virile, hospitable and hard working. Ancient
sites excavated in Taxila, Harappa, and Moenjodaro speak
volumes for Pakistana's rich cultural background dating
back to 3,000 B.C.